Why do I need training?

Did you know that 85% of people do not respond to an emergency in a calm and orderly manner? Some freeze, some seem confused about what to do and others simply panic.

The armed and emergency service know this and implement a strong training program to change a person’s automatic response. Over time with adequate training a person will respond correctly in an emergency overcoming their default response.

So what do I do?

In our book “A Practical Guide to Emergency Planning – Plan … Train … Threat … Respond … SURVIVE” by our Managing Director, Alan Short and Nick Grice a set of training schedules are provided. To get a FREE copy of this book follow this link.

In summary the following training should be implemented

  • Wardens – formal training every 6 months, this could be a practical exercise/drill or formal training. We recommend formal training at least every 2 years and preferably every year.
  • Staff – formal training every year, this is typically a rehearsal/drill of the responses to different emergencies. There could be multiple responses such as evacuation and lock down, both should be rehearsed every year.

Who is responsible?

Under the Work Health and Safety Act and Regulations the business owner/operator is required to prepare and implement and Emergency Plan. Australian Standard AS3745 “Planning for emergencies in facilities” recommends that this be delegated to a committee called the Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) who ensure that an Emergency Plan is in place, that a training plan is established and implemented. The EPC includes members from management and the warden team.

But we are only a small workplace

Work Health and Safety Act applies to all workplaces. The advantage of a small workplace is potentially everyone is a warden and part of the EPC – everyone knows what is happening and gets the highest level of training.

What if I don’t do anything?

If you don’t implement an Emergency Plan and there is an event then SafeWork SA may investigate and may issue fines to the business owner and management under the Work Health and Safety Act.

But ultimately, if there was an incident and one of your team was hurt or killed because you didn’t implement an Emergency Plan how would you feel?

How do I get help

If you want more information then contact our office on 08 8588 1121 or get a FREE copy of our book “A Practical Guide to Emergency Planning – Plan … Train … Threat … Respond … SURVIVE” at the following link.